




  • The living room can be a dangerous place when you’re a robot less than a foot tall; team up with the native toys to overcome obstacles, rack up points and keep the family happy
  • Find special costumes throughout the game to enable Chibi to take on a new personality
  • Explore different areas of the home and encounter several interesting characters on Chibi’s journey
  • Use Chibi’s several tools and accessories creatively to help him reach his goals
  • Don’t forget to charge Chibi’s battery — plug into power outlets with his built-in cord when he runs low on juice


Chibi-Robo! is the latest household device the Sanderson family has acquired. He’s less than a foot tall, but Chibi won’t let that hold him back. Help him along as he completes chores and clashes with enemies. Protect the professor and his invention from the burglars but make sure you remember to keep ChibiRobo powered up! Watch him learn about the objects he encounters, gaining experience and skills along the way.